Tag Archives: Universities

[Guest Post]: Even Education is Flat

Editor’s Note: The following post is a collaboration between Adrienne Villani, a member of the Beyond Profit Editorial Team, and Semil Shah, a Principal at India Strategy Consulting, a boutique services firm that advises small and medium enterprises

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Announcing the Launch of the GreenMicrofinance University Forum

User Post

GreenMicrofinance Celebrates EARTH DAY 2009 – Launches Online University Forum edit

GreenMicrofinance™, a cutting-edge Pennsylvania-based triple bottom line company, has set Earth Day, April 22, 2009, at 5:00 PM EDT, for the…

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Outsourcing Health and Education Knowledge: This Time India is the Sender

Update from the Editors: This project has actually be reported on before by Prerna. You can read it here. What is new is the inclusion of an education component.

In an interesting role reversal, The Government of India…

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Guest-Post: The Savior of Madurai’s Mentally-Ill

Editor’s Note: This article is contributed by Sarah Scrafford, who regularly writes on the topic of top accredited universities. She invites your questions and writing job opportunities at her .


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The Talent Vacuum

Many of our prior posts have spoken to the urgent need to overhaul, or at the least, significantly revamp the education system in India, as evidenced by the massive rise in demand for both primary and higher education institutions…

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TC-I Tidbits

Your daily dose of headlines:

  • Health: Over 53% children in India under five years – that is, 67 million – live without basic healthcare facilities. This means that India alone accounts for about one-third of all children in the

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