Tag Archives: clean energy

ONergy is hiring a Marketing and Business Development Manager

About us

ONergy is a social enterprise (start-up) providing complete energy solutions to rural India – including solar led lighting, solar electrification systems and cooking solutions.

We are looking for dynamic, young, creative and smart working, mission-driven individuals – passionate…

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Special Series on Clean Energy and the BoP, Part 3

IFMR Centre for Development Finance and the World Resources Institute came out with a report focusing on clean energy options for the base of pyramid in India, this report is titled “Power to the people” and it is being

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Special Series on Clean Energy and the BoP, Part 1

IFMR Centre for Development Finance and the World Resources Institute are coming out with a report focusing on clean energy options for the base of pyramid in India, this report is titled “Power to the people” and it

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Sankalp 2010 recognizes emerging and established enterprises

Sankalp, the annual social enterprise awards and investment forum organized by Intellecap, took place this week in Mumbai.  The Sankalp Awards recognized many innovative and sustainable models in the following categories: Agriculture, Food and Rural Businesses;…

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Global Energy Challenge – Advancing Change for India’s Poor

“Do you know of a solution to provide energy to India’s poor? Most of India’s population has no access to affordable, let alone clean energy. Help us find in India and around the world proven, for-profit solutions that…

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Announcing the Launch of the GreenMicrofinance University Forum

User Post

GreenMicrofinance Celebrates EARTH DAY 2009 – Launches Online University Forum edit

GreenMicrofinance™, a cutting-edge Pennsylvania-based triple bottom line company, has set Earth Day, April 22, 2009, at 5:00 PM EDT, for the…

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Sankalp 2009, India’s First Social Enterprise and Investment Forum, Aims to Shape the Future of Inclusive Capitalism

We alerted our readers about Sankalp, and the event is now around the corner!  Check back with ThinkChange India as we bring you updates and guest posts straight from the forum.  Adrienne Villani and…

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[TC-I Call to Action]: New Ventures India Business Proposals

of  New Ventures India informs us that New Ventures is inviting clean tech companies to submit their business proposals for a chance to receive mentorship, assistance, and connections with capital and market opportunities to scale…

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Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2008 Finalists [Updated]

This week has had no shortage of announcements of accepting nominations for some competitions and the unveiling of winners from others. Today, IndiaPRwire reports that the Nand & Jeet Khemka Foundation, Schwab Foundation, and…

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Hazaaron Clean Energy Aisi?

For those of you not fluent in Hindi (haha, i’m certainly not!), the title of this post refers to the poem by Ghalib, A Thousand Desires Like These (also the title of an excellent film on youth revolution…

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