Tag Archives: SMS

Reuters Market Light, part of Thomson Reuters, wins prestigious World Business & Development Award

Mumbai, November 9, 2010: Reuters Market Light (RML), the pioneer in creating a professional micro-information service for India’s agricultural community, has won a prestigious World Business and Development Award (WBDA) in recognition of its efforts for improving the lives of…

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India Needs Social Entrepreneurs and Social Intrapreneurs to Fight Recession

This op-ed was submitted by , and is a user post. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of TC-I, but we feel that it is important to cultivate opinions from all sides.

India like the…

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[TC-I Call to Action]: UnLtd Communications Coordinator

UnLtd India, the organization that helped develop the Social Entrepreneurship conference that we covered extensively before, is hiring a Communications Coordinator.   If you’re savvy with media, writing, and marketing, see below.


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Integrating MIS with Microfinance

Some of the challenges faced by Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in India have revolved around the issues of a lack of trained labor for local level administration, resource mobilization and the cost of services. One way to tackle these problems…

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Checking in on CGAP and Branchless Banking

When I heard that Gautam Ivatury of CGAP would be at NYU’s “From Innovation to Impact” Conference, I thought it would be a great time to follow up with my previous interview with him.  While…

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Intl. Conf. on Social Entrepreneurship in India – Day 1

I had the opportunity to attend the International Conference on Social Entrepreneurship in India on the 4th and 5th of December. In this post I will try to narrate my experience at the conference. In the posts following…

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And then there were a few

So, it looks as though many smaller MFIs will now become absorbed by the larger players as the microfinance sector is expected to enter into period of substantial consolidation within India. According to Microcapital.org,

The sector, which has

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Times of India’s new social change effort: Teach India

Times of India group has been getting serious about large-scale national level social change efforts. Their strategy has been to use the group’s media muscle to create buzz around these efforts to encourage public involvement and participation. Of course, the…

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Op-Ed: The Potential Marriage of Private Equity and Microfinance – Dysfunctional or Blissful?

The composition of the microfinance sector is becoming increasingly hybridized, as microfinance institutions (MFIs) morph into profit-making entities, and global financial institutions such as Citigroup, Inc. or HSBC Holdings become (unintended) vectors of poverty alleviation (refer to “Global

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Putting Laws into Practice: The Case of Rainwater Harvesting

What happens when a law is passed in a vacuum?  The answer: it doesn’t get implemented.

What happens when the government throws rules and regulations at people, without giving them the tools to apply them, or without developing enforcement mechanisms…

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