
Aamir Khan the Social Entrepreneur

Aamir Khan’s new TV show, Satyamev Jayate debuted this morning. The show adopts a talk-show like format (think Oprah), but focuses solely on social change issues. The opening hour-long episode was dedicated to building awareness on of female foetecide in India, whereby female foetuses are selectively aborted after pre-natal sex determination, thus avoiding the birth of [...]

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Sankalp Soundbites: With Vinay Jaju of ONergy

In the lead up to the 2012 Sankalp Forum, please find the following interview with Vinay Jaju, co-founder of ONergy and a panelist at the Forum. Punam Energy Pvt Ltd (ONergy) is an renewable energy enterprise established in Kolkata (2009), led by a strong mission to provide solar energy to 1 million lives by 2016. [...]

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Khemka Forum podcast series on social entrepreneurship

As part of the lead up to the Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship, the Khemka Foundation has published a series of podcasts focused on different areas within social entrepreneurship. The interviews were conducted by Shivraj Parshad of The PRactice. To hear the podcasts, please click here.  The full transcripts are also available. The series covers interviews [...]

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Special Series on Clean Energy and the BoP, Part 3

IFMR Centre for Development Finance and the World Resources Institute came out with a report focusing on clean energy options for the base of pyramid in India, this report is titled “Power to the people” and it is being launched in Mumbai on the 28th of September 2010 in front of a host of social sector [...]

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Sociopreneurship India is only 8 days away!, a platform built to showcase entrepreneurs throughout the country (follow them on Twitter) is about to hold Sociopreneurship India 2010 on November 23rd to bring Social Investors, Industry Experts and the Media together. Register now for the upcoming event. To do so go here.

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Khemka Forum Series: Arun Maira on Innovation

In the lead up to the Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship, ThinkChange India will run a series of podcasts/interviews from Indian leaders of social innovation.  This is the third post of the series. Shivraj Parshad of the PRactice interviewed Mr. Arun Maira, member of India’s Planning Commission.   This week’s Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship brings all [...]

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Khemka Forum Series: Professor Gregory Dees on scale

In the lead up to the Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship, ThinkChange India will run a series of podcasts/interviews from Indian leaders of social innovation.  This is the second post of the series. I had the opportunity to speak with Professor Gregory Dees, who is a Professor of the Practice of Social Entrepreneurship and co-founder of [...]

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[TCI-Changemakers] Tara Thiagarajan of Madura Micro Finance – I

The ThinkChange India staff is committed to providing our readers with interviews with people we believe are at the brink of something special but have for the most part been overlooked by the mainstream media. Readers will be able to see other conversations under our TC-I Changemakers tag. In this edition of TCI-changemaker Badhri Jagannathan [...]

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24 hours left before NSEF Confluence!

National Social Entrepreneurship Forum (NSEF) will hold Confluence, an annual conference aimed to promote and support social entrepreneurship at college campuses throughout India. It is to be held on October 23rd, 2010 in Bangalore. NSEF will help anyone interested set up NSEF chapter at their institutes to promote and conduct various activities related to social [...]

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Khemka Forum Series: Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty on micro health insurance

In the lead up to the Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship, ThinkChange India will run a series of podcasts/interviews from Indian leaders of social innovation.  This is the first post of the series. Shivraj Parshad of the PRactice interviewed Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty, an Indian philanthropist and cardiac surgeon.  Dr. Shettyfounded Narayana Hrudayalaya, a hospital that [...]