Tag Archives: volunteering

Full-Time Volunteer Needed for Manzil

User Post


A full-time volunteer for Manzil, a youth empowerment and learning center in Khan Market, New Delhi


Minimum of a six-month commitment. Prefer one year or longer.

Start Date:

The start date is flexible, but we would…

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[TC-I Call to Action]: Atlas Corps Fellowship

It’s that time of year again – Atlas Corps is seeking fellows for their 2009-2010 fellowship.  This is a great opportunity for nonprofit/NGO leaders from around the world (including India!) to learn from, experience, and exchange ideas…

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[TCI-Changemaker] CSIM: An NGO to groom social entrepreneurs

The ThinkChange India staff is committed to providing our readers with interviews with people we believe are at the brink of something special but have for the most part been overlooked by the mainstream

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Tees Ka Dum: Inspiring Children to Learn, the Dave Eggers Way

How could a pirate supply store possibly be connected to a highly successful tutoring program for children? What connection is there between superhero comics and academic excellence? The question baffled me as well, but the answer, 826 Valencia,…

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Times of India’s new social change effort: Teach India

Times of India group has been getting serious about large-scale national level social change efforts. Their strategy has been to use the group’s media muscle to create buzz around these efforts to encourage public involvement and participation. Of course, the…

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[TC-I Changemaker]: Earnkarma lets you find your own way to volunteer locally

This website is intended for both organizations and individuals. You do not have to be some non-profit or NGO to benefit from the site. Let’s say that I have the desire to teach English on my weekends to local teenagers. I can post it on Earnkarma to see if anyone else in my area wants to join, and coordinate with them from that post. In this way the site could help create new organizations locally.

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