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Sankalp Forum recap: a gathering of the growing social enterprise sector

About 650 people from 20 countries gathered in Mumbai on April 12 and 13 for the Sankalp Forum, bringing together all aspects of the inclusive business spectrum from across India. If Sankalp is any indication, the social enterprise sector is growing in size and maturing in terms of the conversation and types of issues facing [...]

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Sankalp 2012 to be held on April 11-13 in Mumbai

The Sankalp Forum, an annual conference that aims “to catalyze impact investments into sustainable and scalable social enterprises globally” will be held this year from April 11-13 in Mumbai. Sankalp is an Intellecap initiative that brings together all the relevant stakeholders in the social enterprise ecosystem, and awards the achievements of those who have succeeded [...]

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iWeekend Impact: Blowing the wind of change, part 2

This post is written by Sagar Sarbhai and Luv Sayal. If Day 1 was about enthusiasm, ideation and team formation, Days 2 and 3 were all about execution and channelizing energies at iWeekend Impact. Once the teams were formed, the enthusiasts did not even wait for the next day to begin. Participants started working on the [...]

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iWeekend Impact: Blowing the wind of change, part 1

This post is written by Sagar Sarbhai and Luv Sayal. The future’s in the air I can feel it everywhere Blowing with the wind of change Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night where the children of tomorrow share their dreams with you and me. Where the children of tomorrow [...]

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Inside the Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship 2011 – ‘Accelerating the business of social change’

This post is written by guest writer Jaidip Patel, who has led a sports for development programme, Ahmedabad Ultimate, and is currently based in Hyderabad.   This year’s Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship leapt new bounds for India’s development sector as pioneers, leaders and delegates converged in Hyderabad on 17-18th November, 2011. Hosted on familiar [...]

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Villgro Unconvention brings together Indian innovation & social entrepreneurship ecosystem: Discount for ThinkChange India readers

Villgro, the pioneers in championing rural innovation, present a one-of-a-kind signature event that will provide a common meeting ground for innovators of all hues, ideators who wish to translate their dreams to reality, social entrepreneurs who’ve been-there-done-that, domain experts, opinion leaders and leading lights of the Innovation & Social Entrepreneurship ecosystem. Villgro’s Unconvention aims to [...]

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Khemka Forum brings together India’s social entrepreneurs

Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship The Indian School of Business, Hyderabad 17th and 18th of November 2011 The Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship plays hosts to India’s most influential social entrepreneurs, thought leaders, philanthropists, investors, academics, government and media representatives, who meet under it’s ‘big tent’ to collectively advance the agenda of social entrepreneurship in [...]

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Interview: Ayyappa Masagi of Water Literacy Foundation

Ayyappa Masagi is the Founder of Water Literacy Foundation, a non-government organization that works to improve awareness on water conservation and to ensure effective utilization of available water for household, industrial or agricultural purposes by deploying various ingeniously developed techniques of water harvesting, bore well-recharging and irrigation. ThinkChange India caught up with him for a [...]

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Experience at Ashoka Green Plan-it Unconference

Ashoka Green Plan-It Unconference, aimed at mobilizing the youth towards environment-friendly initiative and lifestyle in their campuses and outside was held at the beautiful campus of SAP Labs India campus. ThinkChange India covered the two-day event live attended by between 300 to 400 people from different background – students as young as 12 and teachers [...]

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Ashoka Green Plan-It Unconference

Ashoka India is holding an event called “Ashoka Green Plan-it” in Bangalore, a two day cross-sector – youth, academia, businesses and companies – unconference to: Engage and mobilize young people to create innovative solutions for environmental challenges Enable a youth-driven approach to implement green initiatives within institutions and neighborhoods Ashoka Green Plan-it will be a participant driven, interactive [...]