Santhosh Ramdoss

Santhosh Ramdoss

Santhosh Ramdoss is currently a Program Manager at BRAC USA, the US office of BRAC. BRAC is one of largest non-profit organizations in the world, with its roots in Bangladesh. It has pioneered a south-south model for development, leveraging on its experience in Bangladesh to address poverty in other parts of Asia and Africa. In his role, Santhosh supports BRAC’s resource mobilization efforts in the US and also helps manage its global partnerships. In addition, he continues his work with Profits for People, a social venture he cofounded, focused on creating economic opportunities for rural poor in India by investing in local entrepreneurs

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Craftsvilla is Etsy for India, but only better

The Indian handicrafts sector provides livelihoods to millions of people around the country, especially women. However, linking small-scale rural producers to urban and global markets has been a challenge. Efficiently connecting buyers and seller in the handicrafts and handmade clothing market could have an exponential impact by improving the incomes of the poor and help [...]

Aamir Khan the Social Entrepreneur

Aamir Khan’s new TV show, Satyamev Jayate debuted this morning. The show adopts a talk-show like format (think Oprah), but focuses solely on social change issues. The opening hour-long episode was dedicated to building awareness on of female foetecide in India, whereby female foetuses are selectively aborted after pre-natal sex determination, thus avoiding the birth of [...]

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What Indian NGOs and Activists can learn from Kony 2012

For the uninitiated, Kony 2012 is an online campaign started by an US-based non-profit group, Invisible Children. The project uses a 30-minute slick, professionally made, documentary style video urging people to be a part of the campaign to capture the Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony, who primarily uses children as a weapon of war. The video [...]

Anudip Foundation: Taking Rural BPO to Scale

Rural Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) has received significant media attending in the last couple of years. However, very few firms have really managed to take this model to scale and create large-scale IT-enabled employment in rural communities. Anudip Foundation is an exception to this rule. The organization has helped train 5,000 students who end up [...]

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Artoo is a hot new social venture focused on field staff automation

Artoo is an interesting social enterprise start-up that has caught our attention recently. Here is a excerpt from Artoo’s website: Artoo’s holistic software solution designed for field staff takes the entire process of data collection and workflows online. It will do away with the back and forth of paper, avoid innumerable delays, and drastically reduce [...]

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Technology in UP elections: Who are we kidding?

With the UP elections right around the corner, the campaign trail is heating up. The assembly polls in India’s most populous state not only determines the next part in power, but had a symbolic influence on the national Lok Sabha elections in 2014. Young people are increasingly seen as an very important demographic in these elections. It [...]

Enabling Access through Low-cost Sanitary Pads: Jayashree Industries

9 out of 10 women in India lack access to sanitary protection. Although, India has made remarkable technological advances, we continue to deny one of the most basic rights to the women in the country. What we need is a home-grown solution to mass produce low-cost sanitary pads without sacrificing on quality. And we finally [...]

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Pioneering a new approach to India-Africa Collaboration

We have featured Jagriti Yatra in TC-I in the past. Its quite a phenomenal idea to encourage social entrepreneurship among young people through enabling them to participate in a train journey across the country. This year, the journey took a new dimension with participants from around the world. On a socio-economic train voyage of India, [...]

Social entrepreneur encourages youth to promote culture

PTI | 11:01 AM,Jan 08,2012 Jaipur, Jan 7 (PTI) Noted social entrepreneur Lakshmi Pratury, who featured in the list of the hundred most powerful women by Forbes Asia 2010, today called upon youths to carry forward the legacy of culture. “Indian youths …See all stories on this topic »

Train to real India: On road to entrepreneurship

Overwhelming as the journey sounds, it proved life-changing for those who undertook it, exploring on the way the hidden social enterprise of India. Jagriti, an NGO, brought together an odd assortment of ‘yatris’ (travellers with a mission) in a train …See all stories on this topic »