Social Entrepreneurship

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Villgro Awards: Honoring the best in the Innovation & Social Entrepreneurship ecosystem

Villgro Awards recognize and felicitate outstanding individuals, enterprises and institutions in the Innovation & Social Entrepreneurship eco-system, for their contribution in effecting a sustainable change in society. The accolades will be conferred at Uncovention 2011– the flagship social entrepreneurship conference of Villgro. Nominations are invited across the categories of Lifetime achievement, Social Enterprise, Social Investor, [...]

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Hand in Hand Social Entrepreneurship Programme – 22 to 26 August 2011

Hand in Hand is holding a Social Entrepreneurship Programme from August 22-26 in Chennai, India.  This five-day residential programme will provide a crash course in leading a successful social enterprise. It will focus on how microfinance and social entrepreneurship can empower people and enhance livelihoods, resulting in social and economic mobility The course has been [...]

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Journeys for Change: Showcasing India’s Social Entrepreneurs

The Indian social entrepreneurs represent a diversity of approach, structure, and scale. This year’s provisional itinerary includes site visits to Dial 1298, Saath, Sewa and Aavishkaar – organizations that provide ambulance access, financial services…

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How to get a social enterprise off the ground: The money trail

In this series we follow a young social entrepreneur traveling through India and exploring these questions, hoping to set the groundwork for her own organization. We'll track her progress as she takes part in a national immunization day …Dowser

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Student Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship Meet

It is ironic that while India houses possibly the highest number of social entrepreneurs in the world, social innovation & entrepreneurship itself forms a deplorable mention in the course curriculum in most academic institutions in our country. Curriculum aside, very few colleges in India have societies dedicated to promoting social entrepreneurship and development through enterprise [...]

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Coffee with Acumen! May 4th, Mumbai

What is it? An opportunity for social entrepreneurs to have a conversation with Acumen Fund’s India portfolio team. These chats are informal, and a chance for us to connect directly with entrepreneurs. You can use the time to obtain feedback on a business plan, brainstorm ideas, ask questions on Acumen’s investment philosophy, etc. Who will [...]

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Introducing ThinkChange Pakistan

When ThinkChange India started three years ago (happy anniversary!), the team set forth with the intention to create a country-focused resource on social entrepreneurship.  We’ve focused on building our news base and media outreach in India; however, the vision all along was clear – a “ThinkChange Global” umbrella that would house a variety of country-specific [...]

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3rd National Conference on Social Entrepreneurship

As a part of its Diamond Jubilee celebrations, XLRI Jamshedpur launched an initiative to organize an annual conference of social entrepreneurs and development sector professionals. The aim was to bring together co-professionals in development/social sector (social entrepreneurs, CBOs/NGOs, government agencies, support organizations, corporate foundations, academics, etc. – and students) on a common platform – to [...]

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Unreasonable Institute – apply by December 15

Convinced you have the entrepreneurial mettle to improve the lives of millions of people around the world? Accelerate your venture with mentorship from 60 global thought leaders and investors, ranging from the co-founder of to an entrepreneur who’s lifted over 24 million farmers out of poverty. In the process, form relationships with 30 impact investment funds, obtain [...]

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[TC-I Call to Action] Khemka Foundation Social Entrepreneurship Program Manager

The Nand & Jeet Khemka Foundation is looking for a Program Manager for their Social Entrepreneurship programs.  The foundation is dedicated to building innovative cross-sectoral collaborations and development infrastructure that make a substantial impact on the reduction of poverty, empowers the marginalized, and protects the natural environment.  They believe large scale social impact can only be effected through [...]