National Social Entrepreneurship Forum

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Student Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship Meet

It is ironic that while India houses possibly the highest number of social entrepreneurs in the world, social innovation & entrepreneurship itself forms a deplorable mention in the course curriculum in most academic institutions in our country. Curriculum aside, very few colleges in India have societies dedicated to promoting social entrepreneurship and development through enterprise [...]

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Indian youth get socially positive

Samhita launches Socially Positive – an opportunity for the youth to contribute towards positive social change. This weekend put on your creative hat and do good. Socially Positive is a nationwide campaign where you can use creative skills such as photography, film-making, designing and blogging to create awareness for social causes and support NGOs. You [...]

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NSEF Author is a new internship to work with social entrepreneurs

Update: NSEF has recently released a Youtube video that depicts the program. You can see it here at NSEF Author. We wrote about NSEF before (click here for an interview with founder Rakesh Anugula) and their quest to establish social entrepreneurship chapters in every major Indian university. Now, the organization has launched an internship program that [...]

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[TC-I Changemakers]: NSEF to develop nationwide network of centres at universities

The ThinkChange India staff is committed to providing our readers with interviews with people we believe are at the brink of something special but have for the most part been overlooked by the mainstream media. Readers will be able to see other conversations under our TC-I Changemakers tag. In this edition TCI-changemaker focuses on the [...]