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Wrap it Up: Two Papers reviewed by reviewed two recently released papers this week; here is a summary of those.

1. “Should Access to Credit Be a Right?” by Marek Hudon

This is a very interesting question as fields like microfinance have gained so much…

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UNIFAD Seeks Innovative Remittance Proposals

The UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development is looking for innovative remittance schemes to invest $13 million into. The initiative is labeled the Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) 2008 and the proposals need should focus on…

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India’s first Social Investment Management Firm

Philanthropic giving in India is probably still in its early stages. However, given the recent economic boom, there is significant amount of wealth being generated and giving back becomes a priority. The Interface, is a Chennai based organization, which…

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Job: Senior Associate at Unitus Equity Fund

The job, located in Bangalore, will consist of being part of a team that makes “equity investments in entrepreneurially driven microfinance institutions and related businesses that aim to create opportunities for the poor and unserved. The successful candidate must have…

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SIMFLEX: MFI Financial Statements Made Simple and Flexible

According to, Sheer Intelligence, an American technology consulting and software firm, recently launched an “online product for the creation of financial statements by microfinance institutions (MFIs)” called SIMFLEX. This product is especially relevant in light…

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Evening Edition

  • Microfinance:

    • The Annual Policy Conference on Microfinance was held last week “to streamline India’s mircrofinance infrastructure, facilitating sustainability to support the Indian microfinance sector’s current rate of growth and provide for future growth rates.”

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Microfinance and Wall Street

Is microfinance compatible with large scale investing houses like Wall Street banks? A conversation with Susan Davis of BRAC and Rod Dubitsky of Credit Suisse discussed this question in a recent article in Forbes Magazine. The article…

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Obsessive Compulsive Metric Disorder

While my writings in the past have strongly pushed for the establishment of better metrics in quantifying social impact, the reliance on such metrics is not immune to negative outcomes. One such negative outcome is when social investors…

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Credit Suisse to launch their own social index

Hot off the news that M-Cril will be launching their own social capital exchange, as reported by Santhosh, and also the plans by to create a social capital index that I spoke about some time…

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Midday Newsfeed

Some titillating headlines:


  • Whole Planet Foundation (WPF), a Whole Foods Market nonprofit that “empowers individuals in the global community through entrepreneurship” recently announced the creation of the Whole Planet Foundation Supplier Alliance for Microcredit (WPFSAM),