[TC-I Call to Action]: Our weekly review of opportunities

TC-I Call to Action is our weekly segment highlighting opportunities for our readers to get involved in the Social Entrepreneurship movement. Check this space for job and internship opportunities, fellowships and grants. If you have any jobs / opportunities to be featured in this segment, drop us a word at Opportunity to write for [...]

SMEs adaptability = ideal conduit to BoP

In a post on Nextbillion.net yesterday, Derek Newberry, wrote a great piece on how SMEs serve as an ideal player in modifying technologies and products to reach the BoP. He starts off by recognizing the recent interest by large multinational corporations (MNCs) in serving the bottom billion, but then pushes forth the inquiry about the [...]

Civil Disobedience Comes to Life in Traffic-Infested Bombay

Those of us who have lived in an urban area in India know how traumatizing (and potentially life-threatening) the pedestrian’s experience can be. Horns blaring, buses hurtling towards intersections at breakneck speed, motorcycles weaving in and out of traffic, ineffectual traffic lights (at times flashing both red and green), debris littering pedestrian pathways (if they [...]

TC-I Tidbits

Your daily dose of headlines: International: The US government has put India on its ‘Priority Watch List’, along with nine other countries, saying that the country’s failure to protect Intellectual Property Rights is putting health, safety and jobs of its citizens at risk. [Source: Times of India] Literacy: The Global Monitoring Report says that India [...]

World’s Largest Census?

OneWorld South Asia just published a great piece by Bappa Majumdar on India’s preparation for one of the world’s biggest ever censuses. This once in ten-year exercise is an important national report card, especially to understand the impact that the growing economy has on the country’s population. The scale of the effort is somewhat mind-blowing: [...]

Social Intrapreneurs

SustainAbility’s new publication, “The Social Intrapreneuers: A Field Guide for Corporate Changemakers,” features a case study on Hindustan Unilever’s Shakti project.  SustainAbility defines the social intrapreneur as: Social intrapreneur, n. 1 Someone who works inside major corporations or organizations to develop and promote practical solutions to social or environmental challenges where progress is currently stalled [...]

Killing Two Birds with One Stone: Expand NREGA

Last month, we posted about the expansion of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) to all districts in India starting on April 1. Even though the government chose to expand this program, the scheme has its share of pros and cons. A recent article in The Economist highlights the strengths of NREGA as its [...]

TC-I Tidbits

Your daily dose of headlines: Can India meet the MDGs on access to safe drinking water? Keya Acharya has this interesting analysis [via OneWorld South Asia] Thai fruit wine, responsible outsourcing and organic cotton – some of the interesting ideas competing in the finals of the Global Social Venture Competition happening today Sierra Club, one [...]

Investing in Private Education, a solution?

Nitin Rao, a staff writer for Nextbillion.net, has published a paper in the MIT International Review, titled Harnessing India’s Human Capital Through Educational Opportunities, which puts forth the idea that education can be effectively delivered in India through “sustainable investments in a vast network of private schools delivering standardized, high quality education at an affordable [...]

TC-I FundWatch

Editor’s note: In order to more quickly provide our readers with pertinent information, ThinkChange India has created TC-I FundWatch, a regular post that summarizes important investments made by social and traditional venture capital firms that directly affect the lives of India’s poor. This way, on Tuesdays, our readers will be able to get a regular [...]

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