TC-I Tidbits

Technology and Education: IIT and YouTube have tied up to post video lectures for undergraduate engineering courses online. Health: According to a WHO survey, the Indian workforce is on the whole pretty unhealthy. 47% of workers were overweight while 27% suffered from hypertension. Abhijit Banerjee, an economist from MIT, said that the country’s maternal and [...]

Breaking the First of Many Glass Ceilings

At the first national conference on rural BPOs, as mentioned previously by Santhosh, the real spotlight was on women. Business processing organizations all over the country are discovering that women are just as capable, if not more, than men in completing the tasks related to these jobs. “We give the same entrance test for both [...]

International Summit of Women Entrepreneurs to be held in Bangalore

Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Karnataka (AWAKE), a Bangalore based non-profit focused on women entrepreneurship, is organizing a five-day international summit of women entrepreneurs, starting 28th May, 2008. Women delegates from across the country and around the world will be participating in the summit, which will also include a trade fair, showcasing products produced by [...]

TC-I Tidbits

Your daily dose of headlines The NorthEastern state of Nagaland and the state’s Chief Secretary R S Pandey have won the prestigious United Nations’ Public Service Award for enabling community participation in basic services provision [via Igovernment] Can biometrics and smart cards enable better delivery of government welfare programs? Well, many state governments in India [...]

Transporting Water the Traditional Way

A human interest story by InfoChange India puts the spotlight on tribal women in Orissa who decided to take water woes into their own hands, rather than waiting for the government to finally recognize them. Over a hundred women from the five villages embarked on a project to cut, polish and join bamboo pipes that [...]

Fab India’s Innovative Social Business Experiment

Walk into any of Fab India‘s high end retail outlets in major cities across India, and around the world – you would be tempted by their unique clothing and furnishing collection, surprised by the store’s relentless focus on the customer and would probably walk out with a big bag in your hands. However, you would [...]

Forget Goa, Dharavi is the new tourist hot spot

The Times of India carried an interesting piece this morning, by Brigida Viggiano, who chronicles her experience as a slum tourist venturing into Mumbai’s famous slum – Dharavi. You can add it to your list of things to do in your next trip to India, the ” The Dharavi walk” would cost Rs. 800 (which [...]

India’s CSR Leaders: How much can they really change?

The BW-FICCI-SEDF CSR Awards for 2007 were given out last week. The six finalists and their CSR efforts were featured in this weeks edition of Business World magazine. The finalists include ONGC, NTPC, Tata Tea, Mahindra & Mahindra, Appollo Tyres and MSPL, out of which Mahindra& Mahindra was adjudged the winner this year. However reading [...]

TC-I Week in Review

This week’s review – top posts: Vinay’s feature on the bank for sex workers in Mumbai Santhosh’s post on The Hindu’s interview with Pradeep Nevatia A documentary fable about global warming, highlighted by Shital last week Reaching into the archives: Just last week, Prerna discussed The Talent Vacuum in India’s educational system (which also generated [...]

TC-I Call to Action

Please send along any other opportunities to . Jobs Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP) is an autonomous society responsible for implementation of poverty reduction projects in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. They are looking for 3-4 interns to work exclusively on health and nutrition interventions. More information here The Indian School [...]

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