Acumen Fund is hiring in India

Acumen Fund, a social venture capital fund, is hiring for their India office in Mumbai. Acumen Fund uses the tools of investment and business to build companies that seek to bring affordable basic goods and services to the poor. They invest “patient capital”, taking significant risks on early stage innovations and expect reasonable but below market [...]

TC-I News Update for 2012-03-14

'NGOs get Rs 10000 crore annually from abroad' # What They Said: India Cracks Down on Foreign NGOs #


TC-I News Update for 2012-03-13

Be-ing the change you want – Business of Life – #


TC-I News Update for 2012-03-12

A platform to provide hands-on experience to students planning to start their own social ventures. Intern with… #


NSEF Authors of Change: Your chance to intern this summer at the best social enterprises of India

Last date of application for the much-coveted NSEF Authors of Change 2012 program is 20th March 2012.  The program provides students a hands-on experience to work with social enterprises for a time period of 2-3 months in their summers where they utilize their skills working on real time projects.  Additionally, through the Program students get to become a [...]

TC-I News Update for 2012-03-11

Barefoot College in India Changing Lives of Rural Women # Empowered rural women will be drivers of India's future #


iWeekend Impact: Blowing the wind of change, part 2

This post is written by Sagar Sarbhai and Luv Sayal. If Day 1 was about enthusiasm, ideation and team formation, Days 2 and 3 were all about execution and channelizing energies at iWeekend Impact. Once the teams were formed, the enthusiasts did not even wait for the next day to begin. Participants started working on the [...]

TC-I News Update for 2012-03-07

Could you be the Entrepreneur to lead Bombay HUB? | UnLtd India # Social Enterprise Jobs in India – Who's Hiring? TechSangam #


Shifting Focus: From BoP to EM

The term Bottom of the Pyramid is one that has garnered significant attention in recent years. C.K. Pralahad championed the term in his book, The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, and numerous other publications have taken hold of it. The term aims to classify the poorest segment of the world population — those 4 [...]

TC-I News Update for 2012-03-05

Indian college turns rural women into engineers # Ugly truths of NGO funding: Helping hand vs Foreign hand # Sierra Club India: Helping Social Enterprises Scale Access to … # A social report card # Rural Institutions, Tools for Social and Economic Progress #


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