TC-I News Update for 2012-03-26
Mumbai Social Enterprise Journey: Meet and Learn from India's … #
Mumbai Social Enterprise Journey: Meet and Learn from India's … #
According to a presentation by Cornell University Economics Professor Ravi Kanbur, India is only a few years away from becoming ineligible to receive funds from the World Bank’s International Development Association– the bank’s fund for the poorest countries. In essence, India’s per capita income has risen above the maximum threshold to receive money from the [...] #
Frugal innovation: learning from social entrepreneurs in India | Public Leaders Network | – # Frugal innovation: learning from social entrepreneurs in India #
'Centre should increase spending on health' # Sex workers earning self-esteem from saving at India bank # Need for social entrepreneurship and impact investment! # Increase in women voter turnout in India #
The Journeys for Change / Sankalp Journey is a unique 3-day immersive journey, from 8-11 April 2012, to visit some of Mumbai’s most exciting social enterprises, designed to help participants create greater profit and impact in their work. The journey will incorporate site visits to meet a variety of Mumbai-based social enterprises – businesses whose [...]
The Sankalp Forum, an annual conference that aims “to catalyze impact investments into sustainable and scalable social enterprises globally” will be held this year from April 11-13 in Mumbai. Sankalp is an Intellecap initiative that brings together all the relevant stakeholders in the social enterprise ecosystem, and awards the achievements of those who have succeeded [...]
MNREGA: States asked to put social audit mechanism #
For the uninitiated, Kony 2012 is an online campaign started by an US-based non-profit group, Invisible Children. The project uses a 30-minute slick, professionally made, documentary style video urging people to be a part of the campaign to capture the Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony, who primarily uses children as a weapon of war. The video [...]
Social Innovation to Help India Address its Energy Needs # South East Asian enterprises identified by Intellecap to undergo bootcamp at … #
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