India’s largest Social Marketing Initiative

As of today, the the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will launch its first large-scale national test. The UIDAI is tasked with the ambitious scheme to provide unique and standardized identification numbers to Indian residents.

Mint profiles the remarkable social marketing challenge facing the UIDAI and the team of top social marketers hired to accomplish the task

UIDAI, based in New Delhi and chaired by Infosys Technologies Ltd co-founder Nilekani, aims to assign 12-digit universal identity numbers to more than 600 million citizens over the next four years.

The marketing team is one of the more high-profile examples of UIDAI’s ability to tap both the public and private sectors as it attempts to launch one of the largest government schemes in decades….

….who looked to bring the country’s most experienced minds in communications, marketing and advertising to tackle what is arguably the UIDAI’s most important challenge—marketing the idea of a universal government identity to citizens from every caste, region and religion.

You can read the complete article here

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  1. By ThinkChange Social Marketing in India on September 10, 2011 at 9:46 pm

    [...] highlights the largest attempt at social marketing in India by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). This group is launching a [...]

  2. [...] highlights the largest attempt at social marketing in India by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). This group is launching a [...]

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