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The Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship: Accelerating the business of social change

Many conferences and seminars exist to bring together people for discussion, knowledge sharing, and networking.  The Nand & Jeet Khemka Foundation is hosting a forum on social entrepreneurship that will go to the next level and serve as the catalyst for future action.  The Forum  on Social Entrepreneurship will bring together thought leaders and visionaries, along with players from all sectors, through panels, interactive sessions, and consultancy clinics.

The conference tracks will discuss financial instruments (led by IFMR Trust), building alternative talent pools (led by Dasra), and performance metrics (led by Acumen Fund).  The consultancy clinics will allow participants to address challenges and receive feedback from experts.  The clinics focus on  relevant topics such as knowledge creation, effective stakeholder communication, getting investment ready, and law and social entrepreneurship.

Held in Hyderabad at the ISB campus on December 8 and 9, the registration is by invitation only.   However, ThinkChange India readers will receive up to date information and analysis from the Forum since TC-I is a media partner, and I will be attending the Forum on both days to provide coverage.  Check back here in December for more on this exciting event!