social entrepreneurs

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Villgro Unconvention brings together Indian innovation & social entrepreneurship ecosystem: Discount for ThinkChange India readers

Villgro, the pioneers in championing rural innovation, present a one-of-a-kind signature event that will provide a common meeting ground for innovators of all hues, ideators who wish to translate their dreams to reality, social entrepreneurs who’ve been-there-done-that, domain experts, opinion leaders and leading lights of the Innovation & Social Entrepreneurship ecosystem. Villgro’s Unconvention aims to [...]

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Coffee with Entrepreneurs! Sign up for July 4th coffee slots now!

Coffee with Entrepreneurs! Sign up for July 4th coffee slots now! First Monday of every month in Mumbai What is it? An opportunity for social entrepreneurs to have conversations with Acumen Fund’s India portfolio team. These chats are informal, and a chance for us to connect directly with entrepreneurs. You can use the time to [...]

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Join Ashoka May 31 for Changemakers’ First Asia #SocEntChat!

Reposted from Ashoka: Save the date! Ashoka’s Changemakers® will host a #SocEntChat for our Asia community on Tuesday, May 31, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. IST (yes, that’s Indian Standard Time!). No matter where you are in the world, please join us for a discussion with innovators, social entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts. We hope you will! [...]

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[TC-I Call to Action] Participate in the Acara Summer Institute 2011 to turn you great idea into a high impact business!

The Acara Summer Institute (SI) is an intensive program to help budding social entrepreneurs refine their plans and prepare to turn them into reality. It is a practical, hands-on opportunity to take your great idea to market, to create a high impact venture. The SI is a program of the Institute on the Environment at [...]

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MakeSense links people for social business

A few weeks ago, I had a chance to speak with Christian from MakeSense, an online platform which aims to link people for social business.  As I write this, Christian and his colleague, Romain, are making their way through India, speaking to social entrepreneurs, developing a web application, and regularing updating their blog with information [...]

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Challenges of being a women entrepreneur

With Shital and Prerna being on board since the beginning, TC-I has always been sensitive to how being a woman can create additional hurdles for social entrepreneurs. In the most recent Beyond Profit e-newsletter, Praseeda Kunam sits down via a podcast to discuss these challenges in addition to other subjects. To listen to her opinions and [...]

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India Needs Social Entrepreneurs and Social Intrapreneurs to Fight Recession

This op-ed was submitted by Suresh Pramar, and is a user post. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of TC-I, but we feel that it is important to cultivate opinions from all sides. India like the rest of the world has not escaped the impacts of the current downturn. The sudden rush in [...]

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One man injects safety into health centers

[Article Source : Business Standard] Of the 5 billion medical injections administered in India every year, 62 percent are unsafe – startling figure that brought Marc Koska, inventor of non reusable K1 syringes, to India This is how the article starts – one of the innumerable “startling” facts waiting to jolt the social entrepreneur inside [...]

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[TC-I Call to Action]: UnLtd Communications Coordinator

UnLtd India, the organization that helped develop the Social Entrepreneurship conference that we covered extensively before, is hiring a Communications Coordinator.   If you’re savvy with media, writing, and marketing, see below. JOB TITLE : COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR (PART TIME TBA) ORGANISATION: UnLtd India LOCATION: Bandra West, Mumbai PURPOSE: To design, develop and effectively implement UnLtd India’s [...]

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[Guest Post]: Bridges to Entry

Editor’s Note: Guest blogger Lindsay Clinton is an Associate Vice President at Intellecap, where she is the Managing Editor of Beyond Profit and Microfinance Insights. Prior to joining Intellecap, she worked as the Marketing and Communications Director at The White House Project, a women’s leadership organization based in New York City. Lindsay writes a semi-regular [...]