Right to Information

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LaborVoices revolutionizes migrant labor markets

Global labor markets are complex and rife with power imbalances. We all know the realities of exploited labor – dangerous working conditions, difficult hours, abusive employers, human trafficking and even slavery. But with such complicated systems, where does…

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Solutions to Faulty Construction in India

This is a guest post from Drake MacDonald.  Drake’s brief experience in construction introduced him to the field’s many shortcomings. As an online writer and editor, he works to promote construction management education in the hopes of improving

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E-governance Gaining Momentum in India

A few weeks ago, Vinay wrote about the growing business opportunities in the e-governance sector. An exciting recent development in this area has been the announcement by the Government of India of knowledge kiosks being…

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TC-I Tidbits

Here is the daily dose of headlines:

  • Water supply: In Chennai, city officials have made it mandatory that buildings connected to the main water supply install meters to measure consumption.
  • Government transparency: The Central Information Commission (CIC)

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Studying the Right to Information

Google.org is supporting a study focused on the Right to Information Act as part of their . From their :

To help us better understand how to make the Right to

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Headlines Digest

  • Gender Budgeting: In order to promote the concept of gender budgeting at all levels of governance, the Ministry of Women and Child Development is developing manuals on this topic. This is part of a larger movement to

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Protecting HIV/AIDS patients from discrimination

In a recent post, Vinay talked about the Health Ministry’s agenda to protect people living with HIV/AIDS from discrimination through the appointment of district-level health ombudspersons, who would take on the responsibilty of “curb[ing] the growing discrimination against…

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How Effective is the Right to Information (RTI) Act?

The Center for Media Studies recently published a Transparency Review through its Journal of Transparency Studies, which gauges the overall impact of the Indian Right to Information Act (RTI). The review is critical in…