mobile technology

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LaborVoices revolutionizes migrant labor markets

Global labor markets are complex and rife with power imbalances. We all know the realities of exploited labor – dangerous working conditions, difficult hours, abusive employers, human trafficking and even slavery. But with such complicated systems, where does…

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Devising Scalable Deployment Strategies for mHealth

Over the course of this academic year, I intend to work alongside D-Tree and Dimagi on developing a sustainable deployment and scale-up model for CommCare, a mobile-based scheduling, monitoring, and referral application for community…

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Leveraging Mobile Technology for Maternal Health in Gujarat, India

I’ll be going away to Gujarat, India this summer to work with ClickDiagnostics, a health & technology start-up that focuses on designing and implementing telehealth mobile solutions, specifically with the aim of enhancing the capabilities of community health…

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[TC-I Call to Action]: JustMeans Social Enterprise Fellowship

JustMeans, an online portal for companies interested in social responsibility, is recruiting for a Social Enterprise fellowship in their Pune office.  The fellow will cover a variety of tasks:

  • Develop a  business strategy for Justmeans expansion into

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Register NOW for the Harvard International Development Conference

This year, I’m helping to run the Harvard International Development Conference (IDC) at the Harvard Kennedy School.  It promises to be an exciting event, with panel topics ranging from the role of mobile technology as a means of…

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Changing the Face of Public Health: Click Diagnostics

This winter, through the gracious support of the Social Equity Venture Fund (S.E.VEN), I will be working in Cairo, Egypt with Click Diagnostics, a mobile tele-health social enterprise venture that recently won the

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2008 USAID Development 2.0 Challenge

USAID and Global Development Commons have announced the 2008 USAID Development 2.0 Challenge. The competition beckons participants to come up with an idea to use mobile technology for social good. In their own words:

Mobile technology, including everything from

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TC-I Tidbits

  • Education’s Woes and Pros: A new study conducted by UNESCO reveals that less than 30% of schools have access to electricity and only half of them have toilets for girls. In order to address such woeful capacity,

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Vikram Akula of SKS Microfinance Touts Mobile Banking as the Future of Microfinance

In a recent interview with IndiaKnowledge@Wharton, Vikram Akula of SKS Microfinance touted mobile banking (conventionally used for performing balance checks, account transactions, payments etc. via a mobile device such as a mobile phone) as the future…

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Cellphones and (Rural) Development, Part Two

The agricultural sector employs 2/3 of India’s population, and contributes to 1/3 of its gross domestic product (GDP) – yet, Indian farmers in rural communities are plagued by debt, falling commodity prices, changing weather patterns, fluctuating demands in the global…