Acumen Fund

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Acumen Fund is hiring in India

Acumen Fund, a social venture capital fund, is hiring for their India office in Mumbai. Acumen Fund uses the tools of investment and business to build companies that seek to bring affordable basic goods and services to the poor. They invest “patient capital”, taking significant risks on early stage innovations and expect reasonable but below market [...]

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Necessity is the Government

“Necessity is the mother of Invention.” Many of us are familiar with this quote. Basically it describes how innovations we see today aimed to solve a problem or need of before. We admire the resourcefulness of the entrepreneur — the creative problem-solver — who is able to identify such a need and provide a solution [...]

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Coffee with Entrepreneurs! Sign up for July 4th coffee slots now!

Coffee with Entrepreneurs! Sign up for July 4th coffee slots now! First Monday of every month in Mumbai What is it? An opportunity for social entrepreneurs to have conversations with Acumen Fund’s India portfolio team. These chats are informal, and a chance for us to connect directly with entrepreneurs. You can use the time to [...]

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Coffee with Entrepreneurs! First Monday of every month in Mumbai

Coffee with Entrepreneurs! First Monday of every month in Mumbai What is it? An opportunity for social entrepreneurs to have conversations with Acumen Fund’s India portfolio team. These chats are informal, and a chance for us to connect directly with entrepreneurs. You can use the time to obtain feedback on a business plan, brainstorm ideas, [...]

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Coffee with Acumen! May 4th, Mumbai

What is it? An opportunity for social entrepreneurs to have a conversation with Acumen Fund’s India portfolio team. These chats are informal, and a chance for us to connect directly with entrepreneurs. You can use the time to obtain feedback on a business plan, brainstorm ideas, ask questions on Acumen’s investment philosophy, etc. Who will [...]

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Impact Investing gaining mainstream recognition in India

It is encouraging to see that the impact investing industry in India is gaining mainstream recognition these days. Businessworld, the country’s main business magazine ran a cover-story in November titled Social Capital, featuring all the major social venture capitalists in the country. Almost all of the organizations featured in the story were covered by us [...]

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The 2010 Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship

ThinkChange India is pleased to once again act as a media partner with the Khemka Foundation for the upcoming Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship. The Khemka Foundation’s annual forums on social entrepreneurship are designed to create an ecosystem, a community of sorts for all the players in the field. Every year, social entrepreneurs, investors, academics, [...]

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Two Exciting Opportunities with Acumen Fund Investee AyurVAID Hospitals

Founded in 2005, AyurVAID Hospitals is a chain of medical facilities blending the best of allopathic treatments with traditional ayurveda. AyurVAID is also the only ayurvedic hospital chain in India to explicitly target low-income, “bottom of the pyramid” customers through its AyurSEVA low-cost model, currently serving the Dharavi area of Mumbai. Acumen Fund invested $1,100,000 in [...]

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Villgro’s Unconvention brings together grassroots, rural innovators

TC-I Guest Blogger Tracy Williams lives in Hyderabad where she is working with the Naandi Foundation to launch a new social enterprise connecting smallholder coffee producers with global markets. Prior to taking the India plunge, Tracy worked at the policy team at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and on US economic policy issues with [...]

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Day 2 of the Khemka Forum: Moving into action

I left yesterday’s post with the mention of action, and action is right where the Khemka Forum moved to by the end of the second day.  While Day 1 of the Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship focused on plenaries and making connections within sectors, Day 2 moved into smaller groups, deeper conversations, and creating plans for bridging gaps. Measuring Impact [...]