Technology in UP elections: Who are we kidding?

With the UP elections right around the corner, the campaign trail is heating up. The assembly polls in India’s most populous state not only determines the next part in power, but had a symbolic influence on the national Lok Sabha elections in 2014. Young people are increasingly seen as an very important demographic in these elections. It [...]

TC-I News Update for 2012-02-13

A Social Entrepreneur Giving Women in India Dignity | Social Enterprise #


Social entrepreneurship program management positions open at the Khemka Foundation

The Nand & Jeet Khemka Foundation keeps social entrepreneurship as one of their core focus areas and their portfolio is dedicated to creating institutions and platforms that strengthen the ecosystem for social entrepreneurship in India. One of their current initiatives is the annual Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship, which is covered regularly here on ThinkChange India. [...]

New Report Optimistic About Branchless Banking in India

MicroSave, an organization committed to expanding the reaches of financial inclusion, released a report that was bullish on the state of electronic/mobile banking (e/m) (aka branchless banking) in India. The report effectively says that fast growing mobile penetration, very cheap mobile phones, and numerous government programs’ desires to use e/m banking have culminated in a [...]

TC-I News Update for 2012-02-09

Edmond de Rothschild Foundation fueling social entrepreneurship in India # Indias greatest asset is hope: Gururaj Despande # National Social Entrepreneurship Forum Joins Hands with Sankalp … # 2011 – The Democratization of the Social Entrepreneurship … # How Social Entrepreneurship Is Helping to Improve Education Worldwide # How Millennials [...]


TC-I News Update for 2012-02-04

No one to play with at school: India's infanticide crisis # India Worst Place for the Girl-Child # Seeking Social Entrepreneurs in India – Money Spent Well # Is India finally waking up to mental illness? #


Women Need to Be Invested In

Building upon Shital’s post, another article has raised the importance of including women in the global economy. In the recently concluded World Economic Forum, there was a panel titled “Women as the Way Forward” suggesting that even big businesses have fully embraced notion of including the other 51% in the economy. This example and others [...]

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Outside of the nonprofit world, finding women-owned businesses online is not very common – but are a small and growing circle. Google recently launched a program aimed at giving these women entrepreneurs the  tools to increase their online presence, called Women Entrepreneurs on the Web. The program will  allow participants to “learn to build their online [...]

TC-I News Update for 2012-02-01

Soap Operas With a Social Message # The Power of Social Innovation # HCL Technologies Backs a Socially Responsible Business Model for Growth #


Enabling Access through Low-cost Sanitary Pads: Jayashree Industries

9 out of 10 women in India lack access to sanitary protection. Although, India has made remarkable technological advances, we continue to deny one of the most basic rights to the women in the country. What we need is a home-grown solution to mass produce low-cost sanitary pads without sacrificing on quality. And we finally [...]

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