TC-I News Update for 2012-02-22
Muhammad Yunus to Mentor Social Entrepreneurs in India # The Great Wait: India's Death Row Prisons #
Muhammad Yunus to Mentor Social Entrepreneurs in India # The Great Wait: India's Death Row Prisons #
Grassroots Comics: The new voice for rural issues # TISS, Sussex varsity tie up for dual degree programmes # #
In a land where roughly 70% of the population resides in rural areas and half of the nation’s population farms for a living, the importance of India’s agricultural sector cannot be overstated. Despite these massive numbers, the country’s agricultural output has been unable to keep pace with growing demands and global competition. According to the World Bank, [...]
iWeekend Impact is a 50-hour intensive and innovative experience that aims to bring together social entrepreneurs and professionals to present ideas with social impact and develop socially responsible business plans. The event is targeted towards social entrepreneurs, NGOs, technologists, designers, marketers, content writers, business students, finance & legal professionals who are looking to start their [...]
Muhammad Yunus, IIM-A set to float Rs 50 crore fund to seed social business #
A champion of social business and a pioneer in the field of social entrepreneurship, Muhammad Yunus, has been building successful ventures in India’s neighbor, Bangladesh, for decades. Yunus has looked globally, set up three international joint ventures, and is now looking next door to India. He first collaborated with IIM-Ahmedabad’s Centre for Innovation Incubation and [...]
@binduananth Thanks Bindu. We just featured Artoo on TCI! in reply to binduananth # Dohakatu first panchayat to get UID-based online payment for social security … # Innovations for the poor # NASSCOM Foundation announces winners of Social Innovation Honours Awards 2012 # It's time to give back to society: Oxfam India [...]
Artoo is an interesting social enterprise start-up that has caught our attention recently. Here is a excerpt from Artoo’s website: Artoo’s holistic software solution designed for field staff takes the entire process of data collection and workflows online. It will do away with the back and forth of paper, avoid innumerable delays, and drastically reduce [...]
The Indian Temple of Social Innovation #
“Necessity is the mother of Invention.” Many of us are familiar with this quote. Basically it describes how innovations we see today aimed to solve a problem or need of before. We admire the resourcefulness of the entrepreneur — the creative problem-solver — who is able to identify such a need and provide a solution [...]
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