Journeys for Change: Showcasing India’s Social Entrepreneurs

The Indian social entrepreneurs represent a diversity of approach, structure, and scale. This year’s provisional itinerary includes site visits to Dial 1298, Saath, Sewa and Aavishkaar – organizations that provide ambulance access, financial services…

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-10 via ThinkChange India – – Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-03 via … # New norms on corporate social responsibility to be unveiled # Mukesh Ambani criticises Western charity ethos # Major role of technology in financial inclusion # Mukesh Ambani criticises Western charity ethos # [...]


Ashoka Green Plan-It Unconference

Ashoka India is holding an event called “Ashoka Green Plan-it” in Bangalore, a two day cross-sector – youth, academia, businesses and companies – unconference to: Engage and mobilize young people to create innovative solutions for environmental challenges Enable a youth-driven approach to implement green initiatives within institutions and neighborhoods Ashoka Green Plan-it will be a participant driven, interactive [...]

How to get a social enterprise off the ground: The money trail

In this series we follow a young social entrepreneur traveling through India and exploring these questions, hoping to set the groundwork for her own organization. We'll track her progress as she takes part in a national immunization day …Dowser

Include social returns in business model: Mukesh

Reliance Industries Ltd Chairman Mukesh Ambani on Sunday urged Corporate India to adopt a new business model measured on ‘social returns together with financial returns’ — a model that factors in attributes of the country’s value systems.

Mukesh Ambani criticises Western charity ethos

"There is awareness in India that growth has to be sustainable, inclusive and environmentally friendly," he said. "CRS (corporate social responsibility) has to be an integral part of every business. "Businesses should be measured on…

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-03 via ThinkChange India – – Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-26 via … # Amazing journey of a 70-year-old social entrepreneur – Business # Amazing journey of a 70-year-old social entrepreneur – Business # New rights for domestic workers # The BPO moved under a [...]


A university to manage a rapidly urbanising India

BANGALORE: With over 625000 villages, rural India still dominates the country's landscape even as rapid urbanising is throwing up challenges for planners. To train people manage this massive social transformation and fill the critical human resourc…

Lighting up rural India

SELCO was established based on three tenets associated with solar technology: # Social ventures can be run by commercial entities. The core business that SELCO focusses on is designing photovoltaic (PV) solar home systems (SHS). …See all stories on t…

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-26 via ThinkChange India – – Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-19 via … # Slum Soccer: a team that changes lives # Slum Soccer: a team that changes lives # Bottom of pyramid not about low-cost products: Cornell prof # Indians look to model village for anti-graft [...]


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