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India’s first Social Investment Management Firm

Philanthropic giving in India is probably still in its early stages. However, given the recent economic boom, there is significant amount of wealth being generated and giving back becomes a priority. The Interface, is a Chennai based organization, which refers to itself as a ‘Social Investment Manager’:

We are dedicated Social Investment Managers who help redefine your
reach. Our core competencies are to identify meaningful social causes
that need your support, profile them for you , help you build a portfolio, and, offer end-to-end tracking of your investment. That’s not all. We also ensure your support makes a measurable difference to the socially and economically deprived

Cutting through the jargon, Interface is an innovation in the philanthropic landscape of the country. Although its early stages, it would be good to see some serious impact in the next few years in terms of planned and advised giving. The firm till date has managed Rs. 300,000 of investments. Thats clearly a drop in the ocean.

[via The Hindu]

No Comments on “India’s first Social Investment Management Firm”

  • Manoj
    17 April, 2008, 8:26

    This is an wonderful innovation into the foray of Social Wealth Management world. It’s also nice that Indians are becoming more socially responsible and we have numerous options left with us to start routing the funds through appropriate channels.

    Kudos to Usha & Team for the new venture. Hats off!!!

  • Santhosh
    17 April, 2008, 11:01


    Great point, but we need to build a movement here. Our generation is seeing incredible wealth, but we should also set the standard for incredible giving back – focusing Innovative Ideas like Interface

  • Aswin Kumar D
    17 December, 2008, 2:09

    Social investment sounds very good coz it aims at measurable output. One good suggestion would be to include upcoming social entreprenuers in the process of moulding and implementing innovative programmes. This would really create a meaningful difference.
    Aswin Kumar D

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