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Women Empowerment In India
Naukri For Women, is a new job site and one of the first of its’ kind in India. It aims to help women build their careers, without compromising their other responsibilities. It is a known fact that many companies prefer to have women candidates for certain jobs. Naukri For Women aspires to help companies reach suitable women candidates for their job vacancies. This is a good initiative to bring women empowerment in India.
The principle of gender equality is enshrined in the Indian Constitution in its Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles. The Constitution not only grants equality to women, but also empowers the State to adopt measures of positive discrimination in favor of women. Empowerment is the one of the key factors in determining the success of development is the status and position of women in the society. We put a special focus on empowering women and girls, because we believe they hold the key to long-lasting social change in communities. Empowering women must be a united approach, a cause that requires continued attention and stewardship by all. We need to augment our efforts for empowering women and enhance their progress. It is our moral, social and constitutional responsibility to ensure their progress by providing them with equal rights and opportunities. Today women with their smartness, grace and elegance have conquered the whole world. They with their hard work and sincerity have excelled in each and every profession. Women are considered to be more honest, meticulous, and efficient and hence more and more companies prefer hiring women for better performance and result.
74 Comments on “Women Empowerment In India”
In fine bad …rather worse.See literacy rate,see the health scenario,see the economic empowerment separately or see the marriage scenario -dowry system still exist in this way or that.
It’s a vicious circle our womenfolk are within .Since they are less literate they are less empowered and vice versa. Remember that Physicist who happened to be the Union HRD Minister who kindly advised our womenfolk to go back to “their” kitchens ? WE elected persons like him,no ?Yet none can resist the womenfolk who will unshackle themselves from the ageold chains.The socio-economic set up will inevitably help them out.
All women of every race should do something for themselves. It doesn’t have to do with empowerment or over powering a man.. to get his respect.
women have really empowered the world bu in india d is is diff.
Women’s status in India is still pathetic compared to the west. Read my take on women in this poem i wrote recently http://www.sumit4all.com/life/a-tribute-to-women
i think women has to go long for its complete place in the society so alone women can not work for it we people to make a global issue and do take it very seriously
women empowerment begins with respect and respect is something we can’t force out someone.it has to be given and it will only happens if we does what is to be respected
In urban areas, condition of women is quite improved, but in case of rural areas, male dominated treatment is followed still. People there feel that women should give their attention in domestic life only. It is necessary to aware them about women empowerment. When a woman contributes financially n professionally, the nation’s condition is automatically stable n balanced. The women can attain a perfect balance of personal n professional life.
Also, there is lack of respect 4 woman employees in some of the professional sectors, which is not right thing. This should be avoided, n if it happens, strict actions should be taken against that.
Now a days, there is no sector where women are not competing with men. May it be civil services, politics, defence, finance, medical, engineering, art or anything. Everywhere women are standing along with the men, which shows good effect of policies of “Women Empowerment in India”.
women are the real angels of the nation, am a student of Madras Christain College chennai……… i have found the most kindhearted teacchers in my college.. in short my teachers treate us as their own childrem… some of my favourite and best teachers are Mrs.Eashwari mam,Mrs.Namitha mam,Mrs.Subhashisni mam,Mrs.Indumathi mam….. some of my most favourite & brilliant teachers in my shchool days were Mrs.Suguna mam,Mrs.Suganthimala mam,Mrs.Bhagya Lakshmi mam,Mrs.Jyothi shree mam, Mrs.Amritha mam……….. actually it’s an endless list… according to me women are all rounders and most intelligent than men, they even know to face all types of situations.. women are the not the back bone of our country they r acctually the brain of the nation not only nation the world, the universe……………. i hope god should be a woman.. long live women
women empowerment…. is recenly getting much attention and became much coveted as some “GUD” persons ‘ act for it very delligenly..they are of khaf panchayat…they are abeting honour killing.. also d people who are opposing women reservation bill ..
the concept of women empowerment really a coveted compaign…….which is much on paper……..discussions…debates….political gallaries…..less on ground…
not denying with d fact some serious effort for it are undergoing…ie recent women reservation bill.. reservation for women in PRIs. constitution of. women advisory committee.in various university campuses but it also reflects dark side of picture…
Women empowerment is making the women even more miserable. Women feel that they are equal to men in all ways. They want to prove it by doing all the works that men have been doing. This is benefiting the men because most of the men doesn’t want to do what women have been doing. But most of the women want to do what men have been doing. My suggestion to all enthusiastic women is that let men do what they are supposed to do.
“Women Empowerent” has been more of a buzzword in recent years and a tattoo in vogue to be flaunted, digressing from the actual cause of social equality. People, rather men, to be specific, still view venus species in more of amazement than appreciaciation when they embark upon unchartered sphere, leave alone succeding in it. You keep gawking at the sight of female rider or female bus conductor. It will demand edification of mind to demand for any perceptible or tangible female empowerment to observe in forseeble feature.
Women Empowerment is a very broad term, lets just look at it with a common man viewpoint. A women is smart,honest and hardworking than why is she always looked upon as a second citizen. There still are jobs in the market which has a tagline of “mens only” WHY?? For this I dont hold the man alone responsible, to some extent women too are to be blamed it might be becase of the upbringing, or various other factors werein we are taught to take a back seat and let the man alone take the decisions. A girl should be taught to respect her own self first than only she will gain confidence to stand tall and hold her head in high esteem.
women empowernt must start within oneself .
women is the beautiful creature created by god
some people in rural areas still dnt knw abt d respect of women and acc to my opinion they are d worst part of our country………….
is woman empowerment is fulfilled?
is woman empowerment is fulfilled?is domestic violance stop against woman?
it good
women are god,s gift
Points of Action for Women Empowerment in any organization……
• Skill development training…..• Workshop:1. Business related workshop2. Health Camp3. Gender Value & Family planning
4.Education• Exposure visit of women1. Exhibitions2. NGO related to culture, craft business….
woman SHG ARE PLAYING good role in woman empowerment in india
its privilage of indian democratic
in tamilnadu vellore dist voorghees college is conducting
women’s are one of the most important member of a family.Its very important that women’s should be litrate so that they may face this world.their are few women whose thumb helps them as they dont know how to sign, and when they are lost only litracy could find them.
I am from army school ranikhet in class 8th and is motivated by my teachers and the articles written by all other people rely u guys have written something very gud which each and everyone should understand 4 the betterment of our India.I am really aganist women infanticides and foeticides.those illitrate women should have been given social awareness so that one day will come when women will be equal to men and no one can deny the fact and this will only happen when we will join our hands and do it together
Thanks Sital; the article is quite informative and sensitive as well. With the turn of the 21st century, incessant efforts to develop women as a potential resource to bolster the country’s economy have been provided by the nation itself. The government is trying to integrate women and men’s concern in terms of the economy, politics and the society to diminish any inequality from the society. Influential people like Vineet Nayar, the CEO of HCLT, are also following their ways to the development of women both personally and professionally in an effort to provide an equal representation of women in all the legal and decision making institutions.
women empowerment in india is very week/
women empowerment is not for every women.hw many women know about dis….empowerment is only for india not for bharat….
i think women empowerment is d major issue in the present era which needs a gt attention.At first women should be self dependet so dat they could not depend on the mercy of others.According to the recent report the number of rapes & sexual harassment of women increased in the last decade in india which shows d miserable condition of our country.
women empowerment is the major topic which should get necessary attention as nowadays women folks are involving in jobs etc.. but somewhere there are some of the weaknesses as discriminations and all of sex, creed.. people think that this thing is alike a burden which according to me is not .they should consider about the new generations in which the requisite and the most based priority is that a women should be highly intelligent to be fitted in the society and the government is trying to uprise the miserable conditions of women and persuading to integrate them..!!!
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Womens should get their right
All women should first give each other respect ………. only then the other society will grant them equal respect………….
yes mem u r ri8
v cn do it
women culdnot show their real strength men are always behind them to abuse them especilly in profession there unity is needed
women's r full 0f courageous , sincere honesty in every field either in job or in home they have lots of strength in compare to men and can do better in any circumstances , only c need gud standing and gud environment
always respect each and every women ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and i salute to those who alone fight for her self respect and identity…………………..great salute !!!!!!!!!!!to all women……..
women is your life……!!!
the children/husbands/lovers are just one chapter……without women…..
women Empowerment ! by giving Total security allover in INDIA! The rest regarding Employment,Education,Equality she will get at ease!
only education and security can change the current scene of INDIA !
its not a debate that ends in minutes or few sentences.something is done and much has to be done
ya i agree with it…!!!
ya its right that the govt.. is trying but in addition women should also cope up with them not to just rely on them and simply have the fruit….!!!!
yes moreover women should persuade their best..!!!!
A women who is born an brought up in a indian family has great strength of her own weather educated or not. If allowed to open up her wings she can do wonders. If a young girl is guided in the right direction at a time when she is open to many outside influence and her mind is yet to set on thought and ideas which will lay the foundation to the type of life she will lead in the next 50 to60 years. We shall have many super women in our society. Its not just talks we need now but action. We need to look into our self to know whether we are acting on the path justly or we have double standards towards women of the family and women outside family.
hum kisi se kam nhiiiiiii…….. and we all prove this….
vGOOD thanksssssssssssss
Firstly i also think that why i m girl but after realising womens power i dont think that. i like feminism we r 3 sisters, if i have brother then could be i faced problem on Gender discremination. But my friends told me about there problem ‘HOW THEIR MOTHER DIFFENTIATED THEM WITH BROTHER” MEANS A WOMEN IS A ENEMY OF WOMEN…………… WHY THIS HAPPEN IN OUR SOCIETY? CAN ANYONE ANSWER ME………………………………
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! womens are realy great
Women are the most powerful instrument to bring any change. “Empowering women is empowering the family. And, empowering the family is the first step for developing a country. Educate a man, the benefit goes to only one. Educate a woman 10 members in the family is educated. If at all the rural areas are focused because of the awareness they get through the Self Help Groups and the by the NGOs.
Focus on the main areas of leadership programme for women, awareness programmes on food preservation, the home gardening for food security, positive thinking, personal development, productivity concepts for household improvement the growth and development follows automatically. Give me the space I will let you know what can I do is the voice on women now. If you do not believe me now, you believe by yourself.
until & unless a woman hopes to see herself in a dignified position no one else will help her.So my request to all woman’s of INDIA is hold yourself high & do the “IMPOSSIBLE” as ” I AM POSSIBLE” because we are responsible to create our futures…………….ALL THE BEST TO ALL THE WOMAN’s OF INDIA
ya its right
The status of women in India has been subject to many great changes over the past few millennia. I think woman empowerment is very important in India..
Very nice blog.. I am so happy to read this blog. Thanks for sharing us.
de podi..
we need more
i need more information about women empowerment
please post some more messages………
being proud as a women by your words
Its helpful. Thanks a lot.
I am pursuing PHD. plz send some important documents on the same.
its very good………
tooooo good

proud to be a woman
very true…………
“wen a man is educated, an individual is educated,
wen a woman is educated, a family is educated, a society is educated, a country is educated”
You are thinking about your empowerment, then who will think about your family. Yes, it has broad meaning. That is why all women cannot understand. Men are using this term for escaping from their duties and praising women. They really enjoying this term.
From past many years we are listing this word. Many girls and women came out and proving them selves. What is the result? Just think about it.
Hello Megha,
I am giving you direct answer. If a man raped, it wont be an issue, it wont give much effect to his career. But if a women!
Don’t ask why it is like this. It is happening all over the world. Even in developed countries also they are facing the same problem.
ya i think women empowerment is great development in our nation
i think it is a very short writing which is not enough to represent women,s forewardness and women empowerment .it needs a few improwement .
preparing seminar paper on Women Empowerment..so thanks…helped me a lot.