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Op-Ed: CSR and the Nazis

Here is a piece that I wrote for my school paper. While it is not focused on India specifically, I believe that the topic is relevant to every country.

Profits or Profiteering?: Why Companies Are Responsible

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Which Country is #1 for Social Entrepreneurs?

A quick insight from Ryan Gunderson of Riches for Good: India is the most favored country for social entrepreneurs around the world. According to his research, India has “over 75% of the top organizations [in the…

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Measuring Impact — The billion person question

A post on today announced that the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) just launched a new framework to measure social impact of a business or organization. While the name of the framework,

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An F in Financial Inclusion

In a first of its kind survey, the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) has released a study analyzing the level of financial inclusion currently in India relative to other nations. The results are unimpressive.…

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Rice Husks + Innovation = Renewable Energy

India has been found to be particularly fertile ground for experimentation with renewable energy initiatives. The latest version of Ernst & Young’s “Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index” reaffirms this fact, ranking India as the third most attractive market…

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Midday Newsfeed

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US politicians come to India to learn about renewable energy

Speaker of the US House of Representatives , along with other high ranking politicians traveled to India from the United States to learn from Indian businesses on how to become leaders in climate change and renewable energy.…

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Great Story: The Smartest Unknown Indian Entrepreneur

This story is inspiring on two levels: 1) that contextually specific hiring practices that are counter the norm are not only possible but scalable and efficient and 2) that caring in know way hinders the ability for this company to…

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Environmental watchdog group calls for greater CSR from electronics companies

from OneWorld South Asia – Top Headlines

India generates around 300,000 tonnes of e-waste annually, which is likely to grow more than five fold by 2012. In a recent ranking guide, environmental