NGOs and Non-profits

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Fund Raising Workshop: Fundraising while Brandraising

USER SUBMITTED POST An  interactive  training  workshop  on  how  nonā€profits  can  raise  their visibility  and  enhance  fundraising .  A workshop to help non-profits do this has been organized by South Asian Fund Raising Group, SAFRG, on 30th January  2010. It will be located at Willow  Hall,  India  Habitat  Center,  Lodhi Road,  New  Delhi from 10am  to [...]

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Pizzas are good for these senior citizens

What do the words “new start-up”  and “garage” bring to your mind? The old stories about how all the tech companies started off to make today’s Silicon Valley? If that sounds a little too boring now, here is something as appetizing as a pizza. Started right here in India’s Silicon Valley by by Padma Srinivasan, [...]

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Why you should CARE about microinsurance

We have written about microinsurance before, including SKS’s Vikram Akula’s decision to develop a product for his customers. Now, Bajaj-Allianz and CARE India will be developing a product of their own. In an interesting partnership between the charity and a commercial company, this venture will aim to help individuals substantially improve livelihoods through the safety net [...]

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IFC to loan $25 million to WaterHealth India for rural drinking water

Clean drinking water is in my opinion the most critical issue that must be addressed in any area suffering from poverty. So any news like this one gives me hope and a smile on my face. WaterHealth India has recently received a $25 million loan to install more than 600 water filtration systems throughout India. [...]

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Round 2 with CGAP’s Gautam Ivatury

The ThinkChange India staff is committed to providing our readers with interviews with people we believe are at the brink of something special but have for the most part been overlooked by the mainstream media. Readers will be able to see other conversations under our TC-I Changemakers tag. This week, Vinay sat down (over the phone) [...]

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[TC-I Call to Action]: Atlas Corps Fellowship

It’s that time of year again – Atlas Corps is seeking fellows for their 2009-2010 fellowship.  This is a great opportunity for nonprofit/NGO leaders from around the world (including India!) to learn from, experience, and exchange ideas with organizations in Washington, DC or Bogota, Colombia. Atlas Service Corps seeks nonprofit leaders from around the world [...]

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[TC-I Call to Action]: Indicorps August 2009 Fellowship

As some of our readers may know, Prerna and I are both Indicorps alums.  My fellowship with Indicorps is too involved to explain in a short post, but the experience is definitely one of the contributing factors to my continued interest and involvement with development in India.  The on-the-ground experience is extremely valuable,  both in [...]

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[TC-I Call to Action]: Join InSPIRE College or InSPIRE Young Professional

Thinking of an incredible way to spend your summer this year?  Last year, I helped coordinate InSPIRE College, and the five week journey for 18-24 year olds was full of eye openers, interesting discussions, deep reflections, and lasting relationships.  From Ahmedabad to Kempty, we visited NGOs, spoke with leaders of social movements, gave back through [...]

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Ashoka Focuses on Agricultural and Sustainable Development in India

Last week, Ashoka announced that the organization will use a US$15 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to support the placement of Ashoka fellows in Africa and India.  The grant money will specifically target social innovation and entrepreneurship in agriculture and sustainable development.  According to their press release, Agricultural and rural sustainable [...]

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Social Entrepreneurship workshop and competition at IIT-Madras

The India chapter of Asia-Pacific Student Entrepreneurship Society (ASES-India) operating out of IIT-Madras is set to conduct workshops running up to a competition in which the best social business plan will be rewarded. Times of India reports, Participants must submit executive summaries of their business plans by January 25 after which around 15 to 20 [...]