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Acumen Fund is hiring in India

Acumen Fund, a social venture capital fund, is hiring for their India office in Mumbai. Acumen Fund uses the tools of investment and business to build companies that seek to bring affordable basic goods and services to the poor. They invest “patient capital”, taking significant risks on early stage innovations and expect reasonable but below market [...]

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Outside of the nonprofit world, finding women-owned businesses online is not very common – but are a small and growing circle. Google recently launched a program aimed at giving these women entrepreneurs the  tools to increase their online presence, called Women Entrepreneurs on the Web. The program will  allow participants to “learn to build their online [...]

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Student Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship Meet

It is ironic that while India houses possibly the highest number of social entrepreneurs in the world, social innovation & entrepreneurship itself forms a deplorable mention in the course curriculum in most academic institutions in our country. Curriculum aside, very few colleges in India have societies dedicated to promoting social entrepreneurship and development through enterprise [...]

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InVenture launches new site to support micro-entrepreneurs

InVenture, which we previously covered, has some exciting updates as it launches its new site. Here is the latest from its founder, Shivani Siroya: InVenture started a transition from a being a non-profit start-up to a more mature hybrid model. By privatizing portions of our operations, we have been able to cut down overhead and [...]

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Coffee with Acumen! May 4th, Mumbai

What is it? An opportunity for social entrepreneurs to have a conversation with Acumen Fund’s India portfolio team. These chats are informal, and a chance for us to connect directly with entrepreneurs. You can use the time to obtain feedback on a business plan, brainstorm ideas, ask questions on Acumen’s investment philosophy, etc. Who will [...]

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Child’s Play: The power of toys in promoting clean cooking technology

Improved cookstoves are once again in the spotlight here in India after the recent announcement of America’s $50 million commitment to the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves and last year’s launch of India’s National Biomass Cookstove Initiative. Most efforts to date have focused on educating adults about the dangers of traditional cooking methods with varying [...]

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[TC-I Call to Action] Piramal Fellowship in Sustainable Business

If you are a young professional eager for an opportunity to work with dynamic social entrepreneurs, innovative business models, and to apply your skills in a meaningful way, the new Piramal Fellowship for Sustainable Business is open for applications for an exciting two year fellowship.   The inaugural fellowship class will work with social enterprises [...]

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[TC-I Call to Action] Source for Change Innovation Associate

“There’s a way to combine the very best of the not-for-profit, philanthropic world with the very best of the for-profit, enterprising world. This hybrid is the wave of the future for both profit and nonprofit companies.”– An interview with Bill Strickland, CEO of the Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild and the Bidwell Training Center Inc., from “Genius [...]

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Introducing Think Sport

The ThinkChange India team is excited to officially introduce a new section on our site: Think Sport.  After all, what would any good news site be without a sports section? Think Sport will focus on topics related to sport and development, along with the emerging intersection between sport and social enterprises.  For those readers that [...]

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[TC-I Changemakers]: A conversation with Dr. Harish Hande of SELCO

Editor’s note: The following interview is part of an ongoing series for ThinkChange India where we interview social entrepreneurs firsthand. The ThinkChange India staff is committed to providing our readers with first-hand insights from groundbreaking changemakers. Readers will be able to see other conversations under our TC-I Changemakers tab. This is the first interview from [...]