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Reliance Capital Starts Microfinance Fund

Looks like the biggest of the big see profits in reaching out to the smallest of the small. Anil Ambani’s Reliance Capital announced the formation of a microfinance fund that will target the rural poor. writes that…

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Spotlight: MYRADA yesterday profiled Aloysius P. Fernandez, and his organization Mysore Resettlement and Development Agency (MYRADA).

MYRADA “provides training programs for rural development in the Indian states of Karnataka, Andhrapradesh, and Tamil Nadu as well as staff support to 6 other…

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FT and IFC Sustainable Banking Awards for Microfinance Deadline Extended

The 2008 Financial Times Sustainable Banking Awards has extended their submission deadline to March 10. The awards will be presented in London on June 3, 2008 following the 2008 FT/IFC

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Just Call Me on My Cell …

At the risk of overstating the role that mobile phones will play in reaching the BoP, a great post on talks about how cell phones have reached the level that Malcolm Gladwell would label a “social epidemic.”…

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Fast Company Singles Out 45 Social Entrepreneurs that are Changing the World

From Fast Company:

The 2008 Social Capitalist Awards

Change the world. Make some money. It’s an appealing prospect. Nonprofits were born because for-profits weren’t addressing some market failures–pollution, poverty, illiteracy. Profit won’t cure those ills, but it’s

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Paper on Microfinance and Resistance to Economic Hardships

While much attention has been given to microfinance and its positive benefits when things are going well, a paper recently published by Serajul Hoque, graduate associate at the Department of Economics at Monash University in Australia, shows that such initiatives…