Developing World

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Ashoka Launches Collaborative Competition for Rural Innovation

TCI had earlier discussed open innovation as an emerging tool for social entrepreneurs. An excellent initiative in this field is Ashoka Changemakers, which provides an online space for social innovators to present ideas and collaborate…

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‘Aahar’ Wins the Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition

Aahar: Meals for Poor at Rs. 5, has won the grand prize ($10,000) at the  Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition (GSEC) as reported by IndiaPRwire. The business plan was presented by a group of students from…

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2008 USAID Development 2.0 Challenge

USAID and Global Development Commons have announced the 2008 USAID Development 2.0 Challenge. The competition beckons participants to come up with an idea to use mobile technology for social good. In their own words:

Mobile technology, including everything from

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[TC-I Changemaker]: NComputing makes $70 PC for the Poor

The ThinkChange India staff is committed to providing our readers with interviews with people we believe are at the brink of something special but have for the most part been overlooked by the mainstream media. Readers will be

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Pedal Your Way to Clean Water

Stories on water are either on the rise or are more likely to catch my eye – either way, another interesting design innovation to contribute to water issues is critiqued by A YouTube video on the site…

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[Guest Post] (Op-Ed): India announces “safe” climate change action plan, misses a chance for international leadership

Editor’s Note: Guest Blogger Jordan Bower is an intern at Indicorps, where he is promoting growth of Ultimate Frisbee in Ahmedabad as a means of inspiring leadership and community integration among local youth.

The defining struggle…

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Green energy pioneers from India get global recognition

The Ashden Awards is a UK-based charity that works to increase the use of local sustainable energy worldwide. They find, reward and publicise the work of leading sustainable energy programmes working across the developing world and in the UK.…

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Aravind Eye Care System wins the Gates Award for Global Health

The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation just announced that the Madurai based Aravind Eye Care System wins the $1 million Gates Award—the world’s largest prize for international health which honors extraordinary efforts to improve health in developing

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[Guest Post]: Bridging the Digital Divide: More Than Tomorrow Project

Editors Note: Guest Blogger Marshall J. Krinitz is the founder of More Than Tomorrow Project, which has successfully established two computer learning centers in the state of Himachal Pradesh. We here at TC-I were quite thrilled by their work

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Midday Newsfeed

Some headlines before you head off to lunch: