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TC-I Call to Action

Our weekly review of opportunities. Please send along any other opportunities to Fellowships UnLtd India, an organization that exists to find, fund and support early stage social entrepreneurs to enable them to develop as leaders, start up sustainable, high-impact initiatives, and prepare their fledgling organizations for further investment, currently looking for exceptional individuals in [...]

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TC-I Call to Action

Our weekly review of opportunities. Please send along any other opportunities to Competitions Reminder: Now in its fourth year, World Challenge 08 is a global competition aimed at finding projects or small businesses from around the world that have shown enterprise and innovation at a grass roots level. They are looking for social entrepreneurs [...]

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International Summit of Women Entrepreneurs to be held in Bangalore

Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Karnataka (AWAKE), a Bangalore based non-profit focused on women entrepreneurship, is organizing a five-day international summit of women entrepreneurs, starting 28th May, 2008. Women delegates from across the country and around the world will be participating in the summit, which will also include a trade fair, showcasing products produced by [...]

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First ever National Conference of Rural BPOs

Byrraju Foundation (a philanthropic foundation founded by Satyam head B. Ramalinga Raju and his family in 2001), is organizing India’s first National Conference of Rural BPOs named ‘Jyotismay’. The conference is to be held on 16th May, 2008 in Hyderabad, and you can register to participate in the conference through this link. It is important [...]

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ISTE Conference and Student Essay Competition on Rural Technology

From Let Me Know, here is a conference and essay competition on “Technology For Rural India: Challenges and Perspectives.” The conference will focus on the following: In celebration of the ISTE Day 2008, the Delhi Section of the Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE) is hosting a conference on “Technology for Rural India: Challenges and [...]

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Summary of Columbia’s India Business Conference

Titled India: Growing at the Speed of Thought, this year’s India Business Conference at Columbia University looked to the unbridled growth and change that India has experienced over the last 15 years since economic liberalization spread throughout much of the country. The conference brought in some major names within their respective fields and also appeared [...]

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Harvard Business School – ACCION Program on Strategic Leadership for Microfinance

Are you the senior executive of a “retail microfinance institution, banking institution, or other organization interested in microfinance”?  Are you an “industry-related policy-maker or investor”?  Are you looking for ways to: succeed in highly competitive financial sectors balance a social focus in a commercial setting reach new business segments evolve products and delivery channels If [...]

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Two major stories in green technologies

Here are some updates on two stories that have occurred in the last few days within the green space. 1. Emergent Ventures has raised Rs 40 Crore in financing. IDFC Private Equity appears to be the first private equity firm to invest in a carbon credit advisory firm. Emergent Venture’s assists companies in the origination [...]

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Midday Newsfeed

Saturday afternoon news: Social welfare: The Government of Himachal Pradesh is planning to issue separate ration cards to single widows in the state to enable them draw benefits under various state social welfare programmes. (Source: iGovernment) Health research: Using supercomputing simulations and lab experiments, an IBM research team plans to accelerate the design of drugs [...]

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Various Trainings/Workshops – CSR, Participatory Learning, and Livelihoods Promotion

We thought you might find the following trainings/workshops of particular interest. If you happen to attend any of these events, please let us know how useful you found them to be: 1. Workshop on Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility, 24-25 April, Chennai The programme will help participants to increase their awareness of the CSR and its [...]