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Target India presents grants to NGOs

Target celebrated the spirit of community giving last week when team members volunteered for various activities and events planned as part of the company’s International Giving Program. More than 180 children participated in various competitions at Target India facility, the events ranged from quiz and extempore to creative events like painting and making Rangoli.

The kids not only excelled in winning but became quiz master and asked tough questions to our leaders. The extempore competition gave team members an opportunity to listen to their progressive thoughts, at the same time their intelligence and smartness blew over many of our team members and leaders.

Team members at Target also volunteered from their desk to convert more than 2,000 pages of books into soft copy to help make education more visual, they added colorful pictures to stories.  Visual aid for studying is something many children miss and Target is helping to bridge that gap.

Visiting senior leaders from Minneapolis, as well as team members from India, on 15th November will visit NGOs to interact with children and paint the auditorium and classroom of Jeevodaya and Yuvalok in bright colors for the children to study and enjoy. Christel house will host other Target leaders, who will conduct career counseling classes and guide the children to choose their education and career paths.

Lalit Ahuja, Chairman and President, Target India says, “Aligning to our global commitment, it is critical for us to invest in education. By funding programs that promote reading, Target India is doing its part to build a foundation for students to succeed by giving them the resources they need.”

Target partnered with United Way Worldwide to administer its grant program, ensuring appropriate and efficient management of vetting and governance of the programs.  Among the NGOs participating in the events, are Akshara Foundation, Christel House, UnitedWay, Yuvalok Foundation, Jeevodaya, Manav Charities, Dream School, SOS Children villages, Samarthanam trust for the disabled and Smile Foundation.

About Target India

Target operates 1,767 stores throughout the United States and maintains an important global presence through its worldwide offices.  (Target India, an extension of Target’s headquarters, employs team members who perform strategic work which improves operational efficiency and the shopping experience.) Target’s International Giving Program focuses on creating accessible, quality educational opportunities for children and youth in many of the countries where Target has offices, including India.

About United Way Worldwide

United Way Worldwide is the leadership and support organization for the network of nearly 1,800 community-based United Ways in 40 countries and territories.  It serves the United Way movement by being a leader in philanthropy and a mobilizer of resources, helping to shape the world’s health and human services agenda and create a better quality of life for all. United Way Worldwide’s International Donor Advised Giving program (IDAG) helps companies, foundations and individuals achieve their global philanthropic goals by providing comprehensive grant-making services that comply with both US and in-country laws.


2 Comments on “Target India presents grants to NGOs”

  • 5 December, 2011, 23:11

    hi ,

  • 5 December, 2011, 23:15

    we are working for childhood cancer patients age below 15yrs right now we have 225 cancer patients still 75 patients remaining for treatment because of lack of funds please helps us if there is any possibilities.

