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INNOLAB to disply innovation front and center

On February 11th and 12th, ECell TISS will hold INNOLAB as part of the iPreneur program. This program intends to:

In Innolab, we intend to invite technological, services or process based innovations in the field of agriculture, education, health, environment or any other field that have a potential to create considerable social change, out of the student fraternity as well as all organizational or individual enterprising souls of the nation.Innolab would showcase their creativities and help them attract appreciation from prospective investors who may be willing to invest in their ideas so that the ideas may be taken to an implementable stage.

Prizes up to Rs 1 lakh can be won. Additional information can be found here.

Vinay Ganti

Vinay is in his fourth year of a four year JD/MBA program at the New York University School of Law and the Leonard B. Stern School of Business in New York City. Prior to coming to New York, Vinay graduated from Brown University, worked in technology transfer as a consultant and also founded a financial literacy program for underprivileged youth. Currently, Vinay is an InSITE Fellow for Venture Capital and Innovation. His primary interests are in the social venture capital investing space and its role in transforming micro-businesses into globally competitive SMEs. After school, Vinay wants to create novel ways to provide clean energy & water to the world’s poor.