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Teach for India recruiting full-time teachers to help educate India’s youth

User Post (more information on Teach for India can be found here)

THE CHALLENGE: Today, millions of low-income children in India do not have access to the same quality of education as their wealthier peers.  As a result, more than one in three students will drop out of primary school before the fifth standard.

THE MOVEMENT: Teach For India is a nationwide movement that aims to end this educational inequity by creating a powerful force of leaders in many sectors who will advocate for educational opportunity for all children. Check out the video of TFI .

TFI Fellowship: We recruit the most outstanding college graduates and young professionals to teach full-time in an intensive leadership development program. It is a full time and competitively paid fellowship program with many prospects and further opportunities to develop a great career. Find out a ppt attached with this mail for more information

WHY YOU: To create this leadership force, we recruit only India’s most outstanding college graduates and young professionals, from all academic majors and careers. We look for people like you who live for a challenge, who excel academically, who believe India can be a better nation for all its citizens.

WHY NOW: Teach For India is currently accepting applications for its 2011 Fellowship. So, are you ready for a challenge?

VISIT www.teachforindia.org TO APPLY

1st Deadline:  Oct. 10 ’10  |  2nd Deadline: Nov. 28 ’10  |  3rd Deadline: Jan.  09 ’11

2 Comments on “Teach for India recruiting full-time teachers to help educate India’s youth”

  • 18 November, 2010, 5:57

    good evening sir,am glad to say thanks your organisation for giving me this wonderful opportunity .I very interested to join in your team because its really a great opportunity  serving students   who are under privileged unable to effort their  fee ……………………………..
    one more thing i would like say about my experience i had a three years experience in teaching field so think its wonderful chance for me to serve the students..    Thank you…..

  • 18 November, 2010, 6:00

    i hope you will soonly reply on my email address

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