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Remote Blogging: Skoll World Forum 2008 — Points of Interest from Opening Plenary

  • Phil Hope, the Minister of the Third Sector in the UK spoke about the creating of a social stock exchange and its ability to promote transparency in the global social entrepreneurship field.
  • Karen Tse, of International Bridges to Justice spoke about the cross cultural challenges associated with being a social entrepreneur across borders, but also stressed that certain values should be promoted universally.
  • spoke about the world’s continued inaction on climate change and tried to come up with reasons and solutions for the lack of proactive measures taken by the global community.

Sources: ,  Socialedge

3 Comments on “Remote Blogging: Skoll World Forum 2008 — Points of Interest from Opening Plenary”

  • QOConrad
    3 October, 2008, 6:48
  • Femsqueuefe
    29 November, 2008, 12:06

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  • Advemi
    7 January, 2010, 2:46


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    Vielen Dank schonmal für eure Antworten
