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[TC-I Call to Action] Business Development Professionals at iDiscoveri Education

iDiscoveri is a social enterprise working towards ushering in change in society by reviving education in India. It is doing this by working at different levels of the education system. It is looking out Business Development Professionals. Read more about it below. iDiscoveri – a social enterprise with a mission to renew education in India -  [...]

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Intl. Conf. on Social Entrepreneurship in India – Day 1

I had the opportunity to attend the International Conference on Social Entrepreneurship in India on the 4th and 5th of December. In this post I will try to narrate my experience at the conference. In the posts following this one, I will talk about people and organizations I got in touch with, and most importantly [...]

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[TC-I Call to Action]: South Asia-Agricultural Development Department, Market Access Team

Here is what looks to be an amazing opportunity to work for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Here is the description: Independent Consultant: South Asia Agricultural Development Department, Market Access Team Global Development Program We are searching for a full time consulting resource to help us shape our strategic approach to  India and assist [...]

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[Guest Post]: Enabling CSR at Synopsys

Editors Note: Guest Blogger Badhri is a hardware engineer at Synopsys India Private Limited, Hyderabad. He has formed a team for corporate social responsibility in his company and has been heading it for last two years. He strongly believes that awareness is the starting point for societal change. He writes at and is associated [...]

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Fab India’s Innovative Social Business Experiment

Walk into any of Fab India‘s high end retail outlets in major cities across India, and around the world – you would be tempted by their unique clothing and furnishing collection, surprised by the store’s relentless focus on the customer and would probably walk out with a big bag in your hands. However, you would [...]

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Vikram Akula, founder of SKS Microfinance, to speak at CGAP, Washington, DC today

The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) is hosting Vikram Akula, founder and CEO of microfinance institution SKS Microfinance today as part of their informal brown bag series. RSVP to , or call the CGAP offices at for more information. The CGAP offices are on the third floor of 900 19th Street NW, [...]

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Various Trainings/Workshops – CSR, Participatory Learning, and Livelihoods Promotion

We thought you might find the following trainings/workshops of particular interest. If you happen to attend any of these events, please let us know how useful you found them to be: 1. Workshop on Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility, 24-25 April, Chennai The programme will help participants to increase their awareness of the CSR and its [...]

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[Guest Post]: Networking Consistently & Informally – A Unique Offering for Start-Ups

Editors Note: Guest Blogger Keyzom Ngodup works with Intellecap, a pioneering social venture capital firm focused on making double bottom-line investments in India. In addition to capital and investment support, Intellecap is unique in that they also provide a range of support services that enable social ventures to move from start-up stage into growth mode. [...]

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Certificate Programme in Resource Mobilization and Communication

Related to the below post regarding process documentation, another critical skill necessary for the sustainability of any non-profit organization is the ability to mobilize local resources – financial, human, intellectual, or otherwise.  Currently, non-profit organizations in India are heavily dependent on international organizations for garnering necessary funds, a trend that must be supplemented with the local infusion of resources in order [...]

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Process Documentation Training Organized by the Grassroots Institute

All too often development organizations lack the managerial skills necessary to properly document, report, and publish findings associated with their work.  However, equally as important as commitment and passion are the concrete skills necessary to document and disseminate information to interested parties. In order to address this issue, the Grassroots Insitute is conducting a process [...]