[TC-I Review]: Vision India 2020 by Sramana Mitra

This review is the first in a new offering by ThinkChange India, where we review recently published books, articles, reports and other substantial works we feel are relevant to the fields of social entrepreneurship and innovation. Unlike most of our other content, these posts may not be limited only to India but hope to educate [...]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-06 via ThinkChange India – – Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-30 via … http://tinyurl.com/2fck4ql # This report shows that an ugly side of micro-finance is a possibility http://tinyurl.com/2ddtob8 # [TC-I Call to Action] Khemka Foundation Social Entrepreneurship Program Manager via ThinkChange India http://tinyurl.com/28d3x37 # June 30th — Fair Trade Forum Round [...]


June 30th — Fair Trade Forum Round Table on Sustainable Consumption

The Fair Trade Forum-India is holding a roundtable on Promoting Fair Trade & Sustainable Consumption in India. They have partnered with HIVOS, IRFT & Shop for Change ( interview). Here are the details for the launch: 5 PM on 30th June 2010 at India International Center (Conference Room No 2) Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi (Contact: [...]

[TC-I Call to Action]: IRMA Research Associate

The IRMA-Institute of Rural Management, Anand is looking for a research associate in climate change. Additional details can be found at Let Me Know. IRMA “is a unique institution of rural management. It stands out as an institute with a mission. IRMA’s mission is to promote sustainable, ecologically-friendly and the equitable socio-economic development of rural people through professional [...]

[TC-I Call to Action] Khemka Foundation Social Entrepreneurship Program Manager

The Nand & Jeet Khemka Foundation is looking for a Program Manager for their Social Entrepreneurship programs.  The foundation is dedicated to building innovative cross-sectoral collaborations and development infrastructure that make a substantial impact on the reduction of poverty, empowers the marginalized, and protects the natural environment.  They believe large scale social impact can only be effected through [...]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-30 via ThinkChange India – – Review of VidyaGyan by Knowledge@Wharton … http://tinyurl.com/2efl3yw # Venture capital fund to encourage socially relevant films-Media-Media/Entertainment -News By Industry-News-The Eco… http://bit.ly/adSXf4 # Cinema as an Instrument of Social Change via ThinkChange India – Movies can be a powerful medium to … http://tinyurl.com/2atdpnz # Does Social [...]


YourStory interviews Shubham Srivastava of Godparents.in

YourStory.in has recently posted an interview of Shubham Srivastava, co-founder of ‘Godparents.in‘, an online platform that provides a way to connect millions of underprivileged children in need of money for various basic necessities such as education, nutrition to willing donors. Godparents.in partners with NGOs that have a proven record of dedication and commitment to the cause [...]

Cinema as an Instrument of Social Change

Movies can be a powerful medium to catalyze social change. That at least is the underlying belief of Participant Media, a movie production company founded by Jeff Skoll. Participant Media was the production house that backed movies like The Inconvenient Truth, Charlie Wilson’s War and many other socially relevant and yet commercially  successful movies and documentaries. Now, [...]

Review of VidyaGyan by Knowledge@Wharton via ThinkChange India – An excellent all-round article posted at … http://tinyurl.com/34j7mvz # Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-23 via ThinkChange India – – Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-16 via … http://tinyurl.com/369rrn9 # Assam moves to boost practical science in schools on a large scale http://tinyurl.com/assamscienceedu # Cellphones a tool in [...]


India Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2010

The Jubilant Bhartia Foundation, part of the Jubilant Bhartia Group, the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, an affiliate organization of the World Economic Forum, are inviting applications for the India Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2010.  Start Up! is managing the outreach and due-diligence efforts for the India Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2010.  [...]

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