Villgro’s Wantrapreneur 2011 Competition

Villgro, an incubator of social enterprises, has launched Wantrapreneur 2011, a social business plan competition as part of Unconvention 2011, India’s premier Innovation & Social Entrepreneurship conference.  Wantrapreneur 2011 aims to identify social enterprises that have a potential to transform rural lives. Enterprises in the start-up and early growth stages, across categories such as agriculture, [...]

India’s premier rural management school keen to promote social entrepreneurship

Prof Unni said, “Setting up an incubation centre at IRMA for social entrepreneurship is another dream. This would encourage and help students to think and act in the direction of rural entrepreneurship,” she said. She believes that India is at a stage …

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-04 via ThinkChange India – – Carlyle Group to invest $26 million … # For a new corporate social responsibility framework # Anil Gupta: Are the Gandhian tools of civil resistance relevant today? # 'Co-ops best model of social enterprise' # For a new corporate social responsibility [...]


Samridhi & Upaya team up to launch dairy enterprise, create new job opportunities in Uttar Pradesh

LUCKNOW, INDIA & SEATTLE, USA — Upaya Social Ventures is proud to announce its collaboration with Samridhi Agri-Products to establish community dairies that will create jobs and stabilize income for families living in extreme poverty.  Launching in one of the poorest states in India, Uttar Pradesh-based Samridhi connects poor milk producers directly to the emerging [...]

[TC-I Knowledge] Cooperatives vs. Social Enterprises

By Niyati Rana | Place: Ahmedabad | Agency: DNA At a time when social enterprises are sprouting in India, should a 'for-profit' social enterprise be designed for 'purpose', or for 'profit'? A working paper by Indian Institute of…

Carlyle Group to invest $26 million supporting affordable housing … # Education Innovation Fund for India launched # HUL, Trent again join hands to fund poor kids' schooling # Why India can (and should) be the Avant-garde of Social … # Why India can (and should) be the Avant-garde of Social [...]


Start Up! is looking for a Programme Manager

Start Up! is an incubator, angel investor and consultant to social entrepreneurs. We launch, strengthen, and scale social ventures. What We Do As angel investors, we invest non-financial resources to incubate seed and early stage social enterprises. Our investments of time and expertise are geared to put ventures quickly on their feet and make them [...]

Ankur Capital looking for social enterprise investments

Ankur Capital helps nurture emerging businesses that target under-served communities in India. Ankur Capital supports inclusive business models with a unique combination of capital investment and hands-on management support. T teahem’s deep operational experience allows them to partner with enterprises to evolve, refine and grow their businesses. Ankur bridges the gap, both financial and operational, [...]

India primary education fails to improve # India taps communication tools to transform villages # Five Most Innovative Social Entrepreneurs | Newsroom | NextBillion … # EdelGive Foundation's 4th EdelGive Social Innovation Honours 2012 … # India taps communication tools to transform villages # India primary education fails to improve [...]


Hinterland Ho # Now, scratch cards as a marketing tool # Improving Civic Governance With Social Media # Indian companies aren't socially responsible # Now, scratch cards as a marketing tool # Indian companies aren't socially responsible # Improving Civic Governance With Social Media #


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